
  • Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  It is a federal civil rights law protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities.

  • Section 504 says programs that get federal money cannot discriminate against people with a disability in employment practice, program accessibility, education, and health, welfare, and social services.

Target Group

Section 504 states- an individual with a disability is anyone who:

  • Has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working; or

  • Has a record of such an impairment; or

  • Is regarded as having such impairment.


A student may be 504 eligible IF:

  • S/he is returning from a medical, rehabilitation or psychiatric facility (except for short-term medical problems).

  • S/he has been identified by a doctor, psychologist, or licensed counselor as having a medical, emotional, behavior or physical problem.

  • S/he has been identified by a doctor, psychologist, or licensed counselor as having a medical, emotional, behavior or physical problem.

  • S/he is on medication at school.

  • S/he needs specialized medical procedures or equipment at school.

  • S/he is struggling academically.

  • S/he has a disability but is dismissed from needing special education services.  The student may be eligible for 504 services, but it is not automatic.

  • S/he is evaluated for IDEA and has an identified disability, but does not qualify for special education.  If a student has a disability that is not in need of special education, the student may qualify for 504.

  • S/he is diagnosed as an addict but is not currently using drugs or alcohol (e.g., has been in a drug rehabilitation program and is no longer using drugs).  A person who is currently using illegal drugs or alcohol cannot get 504 services.